Embryo Transfer IVF Success Story Pregnancy

IVF Success Stories: How I Got Pregnant After Multiple Rounds of IVF

IVF success stories are the lifejackets that keep us afloat during our journey. Here's mine.

IVF success stories are the lifejackets that keep us afloat during our own IVF journeys.  From the anecdotal (wearing warm socks post transfer) to the scientific (administering certain medications over others), each story of IVF success brings us new-found learnings that can help us get one step closer to achieving our own goal. I can now proudly add my own IVF success story to the IVF community because:

I am officially pregnant! 

Our fifth embryo transfer of a single, untested embryo resulted in a positive pregnancy and we still can’t believe it’s real.


There’s certainly no “magic bullet” to IVF success and our own two-year journey is far from over. However, it was always the IVF success stories that helped me keep going on my darkest of days. They inspired me to push forward and helped me to discover new ways in which to increase my own success. Therefore, I want to dedicate this post to sharing my own IVF success tips in an attempt to help – or simply inspire.

IVF Success Tip #1: Your family medical history can tell you important things about your own. Trust it.

We have done a total of five IVF embryo transfers and we have changed our approach for each one. For our last transfer, we decided to change our protocol by adding Lovenox injections.

Lovenox is an anticoagulant medication and is also known as a a “blood thinner.” It helps to keep the blood flowing by lowering the body’s natural blood clotting proteins. An injectable medication, Lovenox is often used in fertility treatments to prevent blood clots and antibodies from forming that could hinder embryo progression  – a common cause of both early miscarriages and implantation failure.


Before I knew anything about IVF, I was familiar with the drug Lovenox because my sister had used it throughout both her successful pregnancies due to a positive antinuclear antibody (ANA) marker. A positive ANA marker indicates that the immune system has the potential to develop powerful antibodies that can attack a developing fetus.

From the very start of my fertility treatments two years ago, I had asked my doctor about adding Lovenox into my protocol due to my family history of the ANA marker. Dr. M. said it was unnecessary since I had tested negative for the ANA test.

Although both autoimmune disorders and the ANA marker run in my family, I decided to comply with my doctor’s advice and forgo using Lovenox for any of my embryo transfers. However, after experiencing two back-to-back chemical pregnancies, I started to doubt that decision.

A chemical pregnancy happens when the embryo starts to implant and begins emitting hCG into the blood stream. A woman will test positive for pregnancy, but then suddenly the embryo stops its progression and the pregnancy fails.

It seemed like something was preventing my embryos from progression and given my family history, I had a strong sense that it could be my body’s autoimmune response to the embryos.

I decided not to wonder anymore. For this last transfer, I didn’t ask Dr. M. if we could use Lovenox, I told her that I was going to use Lovenox and asked her to order me the prescription. She agreed and I started my injections two days post embryo transfer.

IVF Success Tip #2: Switch up your approach and your protocol for each embryo transfer you attempt.

Each one of our previous embryo transfers brought its own set of discoveries. I kept track of each new learning and would insist that we switch up our next transfer to control for it. Here are the ways in which we switched up our transfers:

  • Medicated transfers work better for my body than “natural” transfers.
  • Untested embryos work better than PGD/PGS tested ones.
  • Blood thinning medication helps control my body’s autoimmune response to transfers.

Whether it was the Lovenox injections, or the fact that we decided not to test the embryo, or simply just dumb luck that brought us success this transfer, we’ll never know. But I do know that it was my persistence to investigate and try all angles for each embryo transfer that brought us closer to achieving success each time.


IVF Success Tip #3: Schedule your own doctor for the embryo transfer; use the ultrasound guided technique; be your own best health advocate; and relax!


I have thought a lot about what I wish I knew before attempting IVF transfers, and the same four tips come to mind. Schedule your own doctor for the embryo transfer (not the doctor on call); make sure he/she is using the ultrasound guided technique and not the “blind transfer” technique; be your own best health advocate during the entire process, because no one else is going to speak up or push back for you, but you; and finally, try to relax.

I know that the term “just relax” makes an IVF sister want to punch someone in the face (particularly to those people who say it without knowing what IVF is like), but I swear that this advice was the best thing I did for my success (and my stress level) this embryo transfer.

My fifth embryo transfer went amazingly smooth. I was the last scheduled transfer of the day and the Operating Room used for transfers held an air of fun, informality. The nurses were joking around with my doctor and everyone was in a festive, almost goofy mood. This casual ambiance would have freaked me out during my first transfer, but for my fifth transfer, I found it absolutely fitting. This thing is either going to work, or it isn’t — there’s no point in being so stressed out anymore.

The nurse said, “You have a beautiful, textbook uterus.”

I said, “Thank you! I’ll be sure to brag about that to my friends.”

Dr. M. said, “Hey, let’s do this thing.”

And within minutes, it was over and I was wheeled out into recovery smiling, relaxed, and happy. It was the best transfer I ever had.

IVF Success Tip #4: Remove yourself from the anecdotal advice and signs during your two week wait. Instead, spend your time doing anything BUT thinking about IVF.

There’s so many wonderful things I could tell you about our two-week wait now that I know the outcome. I could tell you that it started quietly snowing outside the morning I took my positive pregnancy test; or that our lemon tree was suddenly in full bloom with bright, juicy fruit. I could wax poetic over the fact that our new rescue puppy insisted on curling up in my lap every night – sensing that I was pregnant before I even did.

But these things, as warm and wonderful as they feel, are anecdotal stories that really have no bearing on the final outcome of things. We see them when we want to, and are blind to them when we don’t.

I used to spend my two-week wait getting wrapped up in the romantic and the anecdotal: eating pineapple, wearing fuzzy socks, and scanning the world for lucky, meaningful signs.

This two-week wait I simply removed myself from all of that and put my mind towards the practical. I stayed active, I went out with friends, I threw myself into my work, and I played with our new puppy — a lot. This is such a marked contrast to my first few embryo transfers in which I spent my time nervous, scared, and anxiously reading into every single “sign” of pregnancy.

Don’t dwell on or romanticize what could be until you know what is.

IVF Success Tips

IVF Success Tip #5: When a test is truly positive, there’s no guess work involved. Wait the appropriate amount of days before you start testing at home.

I’ve had enough heartbreak with home pregnancy testing that I can honestly say that I suffer from slight PTSD. Just having the box in my bathroom gives me anxiety as it brings back all those horrible emotions from our two chemical pregnancies where we were caught in the claws of home pregnancy testing hell.

This time around I spared myself the drama. I waited until eight days post transfer and then I tested without any fanfare or expectation. Afterwards, I hopped in the shower and was half way through getting dressed when I remembered: “Wait, I took a pregnancy test!” I ran back into the bathroom and instantly started to smile. The test was so blatantly positive that I could see the two pink lines from a few feet away.

When a test is truly positive, there’s no guess work involved — no squinting, no holding it up to the light, no asking Dr. Google, no praying to the pregnancy Gods for it to change. A few days later, I tested on a digital and got the coveted “Pregnant” result. It all seemed so simple and stress-free.

IVF Success Stories: Positive Pregnancy Digital Test


I have spent the past two years scouring the Internet, interviewing my friends, and even asking some colleagues to share their IVF success stories with me in the hopes of learning something new. Some stories are funny, some are sad, some are completely crazy (just like this journey!), but all are filled with such amazing inspiration, hard-fought determination, and valuable new learnings. May we continue to share our stories – and our struggles – openly, as we strive towards changing the conversation around fertility and IVF.

14 comments on “IVF Success Stories: How I Got Pregnant After Multiple Rounds of IVF

  1. Pingback: CVS Test Risks & Results: How One Test Saved My Pregnancy - Making Babies in Brooklyn

  2. Christine

    I found your blog in a time I needed it most and you described well: after undergoing four IVF failures you don‘t know what to think anymore. One the one side trying to be optimistic, on the other side feeling the sadness and searching for answers (where no answers are, but you are searching nonetheless). A rollercoaster of emotions and not knowing how it’s best to act. To be sad, grieving and giving into these feelings? To ignore it and chin up, hang in there and pull yourself together like Kelly Clarkson’s “What doesn’t kill you makes me stronger, stand a little taller…. What doesn’t kill you makes a fighter…”? I still don’t know what to do and what to feel.

    I fear that if I think too much about it, occupy myself with the topic (like searching the internet), to give into the sad feelings, that I lose the faith that it will happen sometimes. And that I can’t bear seeing other pregnant women or women with babies. At the moment, I can see them without being too sad or envy them, I try to block out what journey I am (or we are) in. But as I see pregnant women 5 days a week (work related), it gets harder to be strong each IVF failure. As we started the journey, it was no problem at all for me. Now, I catch myself staring at their bellies for seconds, before reminding me not to do so. I don’t want to end up in psych ward or something like this. I am a stable, crisis-proof person who doesn’t fall when others fall, who keeps on, when others can’t. I did not cry once in front of the doc or when the nurse called and said each time “Sorry, but the blood test came out negative ”. I kept calm when the doc said after IVF #2 “Sorry, there is a really nice, well developed embryo, but it went into your tube. You need surgery and the tube needs to be removed”. I kept calm even I am afraid of needles, surgery and general anesthetic, even they wanted to take out one of my tubes. I didn’t even think twice about what that meant. I did what needed to be done and – like you said – I said to myself: I am proud I accomplished all of that.

    But even my battery has only so much energy.

    I know that I have some co-workers who have undergone these journeys too. And all of them got their baby/babies. So I sometimes want to ask them about their experiences, but I don’t do so since I only heard from others that they were in a treatment. I don’t want to be rude asking them and I don’t know if I am ready to tell more people about my/our story.

    Two of my best friends got pregnant twice in between the last four years. We are trying for a baby since 3 years (I am 34 now). 1 ½ years with medical support. The first IVF was in July 2017. The youngest were born in June and September 2017, and it was hard for me to feel happy for my friends. But they are supporting me (one more than the other), so I tried to change my attitude. And I can keep myself together and be normal around them, I can hold the children in my arms and have no “allergic reaction” if you know what I mean (and I am sure you know).

    Our IVF journeys have much in common. When I read your entries, I felt like it’s me writing there. Those words could have come from my mouth and right out of my current life.

    Our fifth journey will begin in June. It’s a cryo-transfer, with two frozen eggs. The first try with frozen ones. And I am resolved to not search for early pregnancy signs this time, to not search the internet, like I did with #3 and #4. The problem is: since I was 1 or 2 weeks pregnant after #2, I know how my body reacts and which symptoms it is showing. And knowing these symptoms, I wait for them, and when I not feel them in the 2 weeks-disaster, my hope dies more and more. How I wish I wouldn’t know how my body reacts!

    And you know what? I was a little bit naive at the beginning. Sure, we had “timed intercourse” at the beginning, taking meds, and since it didn’t work, we went to IVF. After the first transfer I gave the doc a “thank you chocolate” for all his help, support and being nice. I feel so freakin’ stupid doing so, now. You can’t imagine. How I could think, one IVF would do the trick. Here I am, writing from one IVF-expert to the other, after 4 of these wild rides of meds, hormones, needles and suppositories. Add cortisone and heparin (clexane, enoxaparin) to it. Nice cocktail, like the doc said, isn’t it?

    But I hope, there is still hope 🙂 And your blog gives me the feeling, there is. Thank you.

    You write with emotion, but on the other side seem calm, determined and focused. And you are searching and presenting facts, not just anecdotes like wearing warm socks (I need to admit: I wore them, too). Thank you for that, please keep the good work up. It’s inspiring, helpful and most welcome.

    And last but not least: Congratulations that your journey leaded to success!

    Sending greetings from Germany

    • Anonymous

      Hi Christine, I just found out my fourth IVF cycle resulted in a negative pregnancy test. I am quite devastated to say the least. I have been through failed IVF, miscarriages – even a PGS tested normal embryo miscarriage, complications from the surgeries, etc. All my friends have children, the 2 women I know who went through IVF were successful at their 3rd tries. I am still in disbelief, but with no one I know who will understands, just wanted to say thanks for sharing your story for others. To know there are some others out there who understand and make it through somehow.

  3. Charlie_S

    I just finished reading your blog word for word, at a time where you were at the start of your journey. I’m on day 6 of my 5 day frozen embryo transfer. I was doing – great – with the wait, until I got into work, had pangs of anxiety and started to think of doing a HPT.
    I think reading you blog may have helped talk me off the ledge (maybe for just a day!!!) to help me wait.
    Both my husband & I are cautiously optimistic (I’m 40, went into post-ovarian failure @ 35), and understand it may not be a 1 and done scenario.
    Thank you so much for sharing your journey. I was expecting to see a lot more responses posted, but I’m positive your words and journey have helped many women navigate this crazy journey.
    Thank you!

  4. Emma Ludvigsen

    Thank you for writing this Blog! This is one of the best articles I have read and I have read a LOT of articles and posts following 5 years of ivf treatment, initially for 3 years in NZ with my own eggs and more recently with donor eggs in Barcelona. I 100% agree with your comments about trying something new each time and also relaxing during the transfer. My last 2 transfers resulted in positive pregnancy tests after the 10 day wait and the most recent one a pregnancy to 8 weeks. It’s never easy processing a miscarriage but knowing we are 1 step closer to the baby we are hoping for and have a partner in IVI Barcelona committed to trying something new each time has helped us continue our journey. This time we have added Clexane into the mix (Lovenox equivalent) which is on top of daily baby Asprin and a course of steroids 1 week prior to the embryo transfer. My practice now until the pregnancy test in 6 days time is one of positive thoughts of being pregnant 🙂

  5. Spshope

    Thank you for all your blogs. They are so accurate and so helpful. Thank you from the bottom of my heart

  6. Hi,
    A very nice article. And your site has given the best information about IVF from articles and it is very useful to all the people. Thanks for sharing this post. The IVF advanced is one of the most excellent centers in Asia Pacific, with Techniques, genuine Treatment, Research & Training. The IVF advanced is the leading Test Tube Centre in the country with modern world-class scientific technologies.

  7. Anonymous

    Thank you for writing these posts, I think I have read all of them now back to back!! I’m on my first IVF stint and I feel like these posts have curbed my expectations as well as given me Qs for my doctor before going into my first implantation. Thanks again, and congrats on the baby!

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  10. Ariadne Toms

    Best article I’ve found so far. Thank you 🙏🏾 ❤️

    • Emily

      Congratulations on your pregnancy!! I just had my 4th embryo transfer last week. After the first 2 failed, I switched doctors and it turns out the first doctor had done nothing to test my antibodies or for ANA even though I was adamant about my concern that my autoimmune diseases caused my previous 2 chemical pregnancies. Now I’m taking Lovenox, steroids and may start on IVIG because of my immune system, and my new doctors listen to me. Anyway, thanks so much for writing this blog. Very informative, and more importantly, you made me feel less alone, which is the general theme at the moment. So happy that it worked for you the 5th time around. I’m hoping this 4th one works for me, but even if it doesn’t, I think hearing your story will help me keep hope that it will work for me in the future too and I’m so grateful that you shared.

  11. Monalisa Mandal

    This article is really inspiring. I wish you all the best. I recently had FET#2 with 3 grade 1 embryos which resulted in a chemical pregnancy. Will keep my thoughts forward focused and keep learning from each day of struggle.

  12. Anonymous

    Thanks so much for sharing this story!! Very inspirational and informative…continued blessings for you and your family 🙂

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